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  New images:HERE
  New images this month include a couple of new South Downs landscape panoramas - one of which, "Forest Edge"  is showing above. (In a reduced size version of it's "detail demo" sequence). The full-sized versions of both images can be seen via Panoramic Landscapes' new Collection Page 2.

By contrast, also new is an additional "Museum Pieces" image made at the splendid Fitzwilliam Museum, in Cambridge. Shown here, at far right, it is, like the rest of the collection, not for sale unfortunately. This is out of respect for current museum rules regarding photography. You can though view it in more detail here.

Back on the landscapes front, there are a whole swathe of newly added images in the Single Shot Landscapes collection. These are the result of our reviewing Chris' earlier pre-panoramic work. He was sitting on some fine images! Particularly Lake District ones. Just one example is showing above left.

To view the collection at large please click: Single Shot Landscapes.

Coming next month: A whole new collection!
The above-mentioned review of Chris' earlier work also revealed a wealth of work that has not been shown before simply because there wasn't a collection that fitted the bill.

Well, we've been working hard to put together an entire NEW collection to contain them. We are also taking the opportunity to redesignate one or two other images that didn't sit too comfortably in the collections that were housing them. Provisionally called "Single Shot Misc" (No, we don't like the name much either! Suggestions?). It will be going live here next month.