
New Images:
This month Chris has spent some time making new panoramic images in Arundel (in anticipation of next month's Arundel Gallery Trail exhibition).

The one showing here is, in a sense, a companion piece to an image ("Kings Arms Hill, Arundel") that made it's debut at his first Trail exhibition, in 2007. The new one, with details also shown below, is made in the adjacent street, Bakers Arms Hill.

Both streets are named for the pubs at the bottom of them and being close to 360 degree panoramas, both show an up-hill and a down-hill view of it at the same time - a little disorienting for those that are familiar with the location. 

As one exhibition goer remarked on seeing the 2007 image:
"My local is at the bottom of that street. It doesn't look quite like that on my way there... On going home however...".

The Panoramic Townscapes collection views for each of the two images can be seen (in a new window) via these links:

The new "Bakers Arms Hill"
The 2007 "Kings Arms Hill