Daily Telegraph_Web Page Dec 2009

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Two new London exhibitions open:
♦ Barbican Art Gallery
(open until 10th Jan 2010. Admisions free)

The latest oportunity to see examples of Chris' panoramic work has just commensed at the Barbican Art Gallery. Their newly installed "Winter shop" of invited artists and designers has just taken over part of the gallery space.

♦ The National Theatre (open until 24th Jan 2010. Admis free)
By contrast it is two of Chris' "Single Shot" images that are included in the exhibition of the new Take-a-View Landscape Photographer of the Year awards 2009 at the National Theatre on London's South Bank

The images concerned are:
♦ "BMX: Double Jumpers" (also shown here) and
"Heavy with Snow - 4"

♦ Please see the Exhibitions page for further details of both shows.

Untitled draft image - Trafalgar Square

8th Dec update: Having just returned from a productive, if wet, trip to London Chris has loaded up a handful of new images - notably several single shot ones made in Trafalgar Square.
View a few drafts here.

14th Dec update: With another couple of days spent in Trafalgar Square a seriously large new panorama is now in post production. More anon.

"Cleaner" Collections
18th Dec: The new-style Collection images are now complete and viewable via "IMAGE Collections", above. The improvements include a less busy look and persistent main site menus.

The oportunity has also been taken to increase the size that the Single Shot images display at.

Some images have been culled.